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Jun 20, 2018

Welcome to the pilot episode of Married With Comics, a loveable (at least we think so) husband and wife team paraphrasing panels, explaining exposition, and commenting on all their favorite comics!  Both our marriage and this podcast are incredibly new, so beat the rush and take a listen so you can tell all your friends that you were our fans before we were cool. (We imagine that there will be a time when we will be cool.  We have a good feeling about these things.)


Join Maggie and Jon as they read and review a comic they bought on their honeymoon, which Jon had read when he was 4 years old and Maggie had never seen before this, Superman Vs the Amazing Spider-man.  Jon demonstrates a staggering inability to pronounce creators' last names properly and Maggie is incapable of hiding her dislike of Jimmy Olsen, but a good time is had by all. (Well, them at least, but they think you'll get a kick out of them)  Thanks so much for listening!


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