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Jul 18, 2019

The news about HasLab's Unicron toy is pretty dang exciting,  but all the cool kids know that the biggest Transformers news of the week is the release of The Rod Pod: Episode 5! Any issue of Transformers issue has a lot to live up to when it comes to issue #5.  Does one of the issues directly reference and pay tribute...

Jul 18, 2019

Do you like @maggientherain from this podcast? How about Stella from BatgirltoOracle? Or Barbara from @galwalks? Maybe Layne from BatmanBooks_DKP? Of course you do! Which is why this September, we're placing a series of shiny objects in strategic locations to keep Jon busy long enough for we gals to have...

Jul 13, 2019

Promo for Season 2 of Married With Comics